21.   A neutral panel was set up earlier this month, at the request of the European Union, to assess whether the U.S. measures violate international trade rules.

22.   Backed by Canada and Mexico, the EU argues the U.S. measure violates world trade rules by extending U.S. law beyond American borders.

23.   Backed by Canada and Mexico, the EU contends the measure violates world trade rules by extending U.S. law beyond American borders.

24.   But critics claim the measure violates federal laws and the constitutional rights of immigrants.

25.   Conservatives complain the measure violates church and biblical teachings.

26.   Communist legislator Anatoly Lukyanov said the measure violates the Russian Constitution that says that all citizens are equal before the law.

27.   He said the measure would violate U.S. commitments under free trade agreements.

28.   Mexico says any punitive measure would violate the NAFTA agreement.

29.   The EU contends the measures violate international trade rules by seeking to apply U.S. laws to foreign companies.

30.   The EU has extensive trade interests and investment in Cuba and contends the U.S. measure violates international trade rules by trying to extend American law to other countries.

n. + violate >>共 825
law 4.39%
company 2.77%
action 1.94%
government 1.81%
plane 1.66%
plan 1.27%
deal 1.15%
practice 1.11%
policy 1.11%
program 1.11%
measure 1.08%
measure + v. >>共 748
be 22.45%
include 6.45%
have 3.10%
pass 3.09%
go 2.58%
require 2.05%
allow 1.63%
fail 1.59%
make 1.57%
come 1.48%
violate 0.41%
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