21.   But Rogge said the IOC would not waver from its strict liablity policy, which makes athletes liable for any banned substance in their body regardless of the circumstances.

22.   If as result of using a faulty product the consumer suffers some loss or personal injury, then the manufacturer must be made liable.

23.   It cannot be made liable for payment of termination and lay-off benefits, either singularly, jointly or severally.

24.   She forced secret pre-strike ballots, outlawed mass picketing and sympathy strikes, and made unions liable to be sued by employers.

25.   That finding of malfeasance made Exxon liable for punitive damages.

26.   The convention makes it a crime for a legal entity to collect funds on behalf of terrorists and makes it liable for the actions of employees, Chaika said.

27.   The rules before the Commission next week will oblige callback companies to register in an EU country and make them liable to pay sales taxes in that country.

28.   Failure to do so would make him liable for six months in jail.

29.   US telecommunications and Internet access firms fear that provisions in one of the texts would make them liable for any copyright infringements that appear on the Internet.

30.   Service providers said Wednesday that making them liable would be like making a road construction company responsible for accidents or a postal systems responsible for messages sent by post.

v. + liable >>共 9
hold 61.92%
find 26.94%
make 8.55%
consider 0.78%
render 0.78%
deem 0.26%
found 0.26%
keep 0.26%
leave 0.26%
make + a. >>共 551
clear 10.20%
easier 9.48%
difficult 6.47%
public 6.16%
available 5.33%
possible 4.25%
sure 4.07%
harder 2.98%
impossible 2.59%
worse 2.59%
liable 0.07%
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