21.   Venezuelan Brady bond demand prices continued to rise on investor doubts whether the government will soon make more dollars available at the new exchange rate.

22.   Yet, airwaves are scarce, with only limited blocks made available at certain times.

23.   Places are to be made available at Hebrew language schools for the immigrants.

24.   A copy of his speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London was made available at WTO headquarters in Geneva.

25.   A text was made available at the United Nations in New York.

26.   And it seems possible that biotherapeutic agents could be made available at a reasonable cost in the future.

27.   Christmas delicacies such as Yule Logs, gingerbread, assorted cookies, cakes and chocolates will also be made available at the festive counter.

28.   Havelange also confirmed that Blatter will make himself available at a news conference in Paris on Monday.

29.   He said liver transplant would only be made available at Selayang Hospital by the end of the year.

30.   He urged local suppliers to tap the opportunities that will be made available at the upcoming conference.

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