21.   Corn soared to a record high on concern perilously low inventories will lead to isolated shortages before the next crop is harvested.

22.   Corn and soybean prices are surging this year and traders are speculating that strong demand and low inventories will push prices higher still.

23.   Crude oil and gasoline jumped on the New York Mercantile Exchange as low U.S. inventories drove refiners and marketers to secure supplies.

24.   During the spring, low inventories of gasoline helped the industry to push up prices and recover the higher cost of crude oil.

25.   Either way, traders said prices will be buoyed by low inventories.

26.   Farmers and food producers already started this year with low inventories of wheat, corn and soybeans.

27.   Gasoline surged after Exxon Corp. shut part of a Texas refinery, reducing production at a time of strong demand and low inventories.

28.   Gasoline prices, which reflect low inventories as well as expensive oil, will probably stay high for a few more months.

29.   Gasoline rose to its highest price in more than four years amid expectations record U.S. gasoline demand this summer will draw down already low inventories.

30.   GM executives have maintained a policy of not commenting on how their low inventories might affect their bargaining position this autumn.

a. + inventory >>共 399
excess 11.47%
low 5.60%
lean 4.49%
large 3.49%
high 3.16%
rising 3.10%
bloated 2.38%
crude 2.11%
weekly 1.77%
higher 1.61%
low + n. >>共 803
pressure 7.49%
price 5.69%
level 5.04%
inflation 4.51%
rate 3.56%
heat 2.94%
cloud 2.62%
point 1.85%
unemployment 1.82%
turnout 1.76%
inventory 0.52%
每页显示:    共 100