21.   But rioting spread to the nearby town of Idi, where mobs looted stores and burned goods.

22.   Bystanders joined in early Tuesday, looting several stores and damaging dozens of others.

23.   Bystanders got involved in the riot, looting several stores and damaging dozens of others.

24.   Defying tear gas and police dogs, demonstrators looted stores and gathered by the thousands outside the main army barracks to demand that the mercenaries leave.

25.   Defying tear gas and police dogs, demonstrators looted stores and gathered by the thousands outside the main army barracks to demand the mercenaries leave.

26.   Demonstrators in Spanish Town, near Kingston, also looted three stores, police said.

27.   Demonstrators also looted three stores in Spanish Town, near Kingston, police said.

28.   Earlier in the day, hundreds of protesters burned a dozen buses, looted four stores and threw bottles and Molotov cocktails at police and soldiers.

29.   Even children looted stores.

30.   Four stores were looted and almost a dozen buses burned.

v. + store >>共 528
open 10.32%
close 8.08%
have 5.84%
hit 3.44%
leave 2.87%
loot 2.71%
operate 2.40%
visit 2.05%
enter 2.02%
build 1.74%
loot + n. >>共 190
shop 11.70%
store 9.23%
home 7.73%
house 5.79%
town 3.11%
village 2.90%
armory 2.47%
property 2.15%
warehouse 2.15%
office 1.93%
每页显示:    共 85