21.   Huddleston toured the world, lobbying government leaders and raising funds.

22.   Instead, prosecutors lobbied international leaders for support while pursuing cases one at a time.

23.   State export firms have reportedly lobbied Chinese leaders to devalue the yuan to stay competitive.

24.   The forums have become a regular part of large U.N. conferences, allowing advocacy groups a chance to lobby international leaders.

25.   The former bureaucrat from southern India is lobbying local leaders for support in several states.

26.   They lobby local leaders in the United States and elsewhere to issue proclamations of support for the group.

27.   Watching the proceedings, conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, who lobbied platform leaders on abortion, welcomed the outcome without sounding at all conciliatory in victory.

28.   While their groups are tightly controlled by the government, Han and Luo said Christian figures also lobby national leaders on behalf of believers.

29.   Arafat last week lobbied Arab leaders to back the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem.

30.   PLO leader Yasser Arafat lobbied Arab leaders Tuesday for support over the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
lobby 0.37%
lobby + n. >>共 166
government 12.37%
member 9.89%
lawmaker 8.48%
official 4.48%
legislator 4.12%
leader 3.53%
campaign 2.36%
state 2.24%
firm 2.00%
group 2.00%
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