21.   They may also use the information to make family planning or life decisions.

22.   What do his peers think of his life decision?

23.   He told the rally that he objected to being told he did not have the right to make an end of life decision.

24.   Since his role in the scheme was publicized, Foreman has been talking with area youth about life decisions and staying away from crime.

n. + decision >>共 716
court 19.82%
government 7.10%
policy 5.00%
business 4.84%
investment 3.70%
personnel 2.76%
split 2.61%
appeal 2.49%
majority 1.46%
management 1.36%
life 0.47%
life + n. >>共 557
sentence 27.45%
imprisonment 17.27%
insurer 5.47%
support 5.41%
term 5.08%
saving 4.37%
story 4.21%
experience 2.70%
vest 1.56%
ban 1.02%
decision 0.39%
每页显示:    共 24