21.   Libya is known to have violated the sanctions at least twice before, when it flew Libyan pilgrims to the annual Muslim pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

22.   Libyan pilgrims have the right to fly aboard Libyan jets, and no other airline should transport them, it said.

23.   Saudi Arabia has said, however, it would welcome Libyan pilgrims under proper procedures.

24.   However, the United Nations sanctions committee has authorised Egypt to fly Libyan pilgrims to the annual Moslem pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, known as the hajj.

25.   According to the official Egyptian news agency MENA, Kadhafi had assured Mubarak that Libyan pilgrims would wait in Libya, in Tobruk, for Egyptian planes to arrive.

26.   After the flights, Egypt took over the transportation of Libyan pilgrims.

27.   After one flight, Egypt took over the transportation of Libyan pilgrims.

28.   An Egyptian air bridge for Libyan pilgrims was launched on Thursday.

29.   As a compromise solution, the UN agreed to an Egyptian request to allow its national airliner Egypt Air to transport Libyan pilgrims.

30.   Egypt Air on Monday stepped up its UN-agreed flights to carry Libyan pilgrims to Saudi Arabia, Libyan officials said.

a. + pilgrim >>共 190
muslim 9.57%
iranian 9.00%
libyan 6.57%
christian 6.29%
hindu 5.86%
moslem 3.71%
iraqi 3.57%
religious 3.14%
would-be 2.29%
afghan 2.00%
libyan + n. >>共 306
leader 28.88%
television 5.39%
official 4.59%
government 4.42%
capital 4.00%
intelligence 3.07%
authority 2.69%
pilgrim 1.94%
plane 1.73%
suspect 1.60%
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