21.   Sinn Fein, which held lengthy talks Thursday in Dublin with Ahern, rejected speculation that it discussed the possible text of another IRA statement.

22.   The agreement, signed by Hoyer and Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien after lengthy talks, also allows Vietnam to open a culture center in Germany.

23.   The Belgrade trip was preceded by lengthy talks with Ahtisaari and Talbott in Moscow, which Russian officials said achieved little.

24.   The memo would detail the final U.S. plans, incorporating revisions agreed upon after lengthy talks with German authorities over security measures, spokesman Mark Smith said.

25.   The threat was an expression of frustration over the lengthy party talks on pre-conditions for confirming the government.

26.   U.S. envoy Anthony Zinni held lengthy talks with the Israelis and Palestinians on Friday, and another session was expected Sunday.

27.   U.S. envoy Charles Kartman and North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan held lengthy talks for the second and final day in a Beijing hotel conference room.

28.   France and Israel pledged Monday to stamp out terrorism during lengthy talks here between President Jacques Chirac and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

29.   Given perceived UN failures elsewhere, Boutros-Ghali has been keen to stress the role UN officials played in coordinating the lengthy talks process.

30.   He added that there would still be lengthy talks before the formation of a new government.

a. + talk >>共 659
further 5.02%
bilateral 3.73%
direct 3.60%
new 2.98%
high-level 2.30%
preliminary 2.20%
formal 2.13%
informal 1.96%
separate 1.92%
face-to-face 1.89%
lengthy 0.42%
lengthy + n. >>共 690
process 4.00%
negotiation 3.81%
prison 2.53%
delay 2.38%
discussion 2.23%
investigation 2.23%
interview 2.08%
debate 1.98%
meeting 1.92%
talk 1.83%
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