21.   Legislators rejected a government proposal under which commercialization would only be conducted in order to prepare companies for privatization and allowed the procedure also for other purposes.

22.   Legislators rejected an article in the new law that would have allowed the president to dissolve parliament, and another that would have allowed parliament to impeach the president.

23.   Legislators rejected that version earlier Thursday.

24.   On Wednesday, Hong Kong legislators overwhelmingly rejected any proposal to water down the Bill.

25.   The legislators also rejected three amendments proposing compensation packages for those who will lose their jobs as a result of the law.

26.   The legislators rejected an article in the new law that would have allowed the president to dissolve parliament, and another that would allow parliament to impeach the president.

27.   These legislators have rejected an amendment to an article forbidding the opening of investigations and judicial inquiries against the leaders of the military regime.

28.   Last week legislators rejected a government bid to pass the bill into law in a single sitting, saying the importance of the change warranted further consideration.

29.   State Duma legislators rejected the proposal last month and said only local officials who had been elected should represent their region in the council.

30.   The legislators earlier rejected a government request for the debate to be held in camera.

n. + reject >>共 753
government 9.48%
court 8.19%
official 6.00%
voter 4.24%
judge 4.04%
leader 3.29%
rebel 1.52%
parliament 1.48%
authority 1.44%
committee 1.40%
legislator 0.47%
legislator + v. >>共 621
say 10.22%
be 7.80%
have 2.50%
call 2.21%
vote 2.15%
want 1.98%
accuse 1.49%
pass 1.26%
take 1.12%
approve 1.09%
reject 0.86%
每页显示:    共 30