21.   Traditionally, the number of layoff notices is higher than the actual number of layoffs.

22.   But union activists and several workers who received the layoff notices by mail Saturday gathered in Bupyong.

23.   Ever so slowly, help-wanted signs are starting to replace the layoff notices across the country.

24.   In February, it sent layoff notices to its remaining workers and reiterated it had only enough cash to stay open until the end of March.

25.   In February, it sent layoff notices to its remaining workers and said it had only enough cash to stay open until the end of March.

26.   Pekarek said the layoff notices would continue through December, and the length of the layoffs would be determined by production schedules.

27.   She and her friend got layoff notices this year, when they were two years short of retirement.

28.   That concerns analysts because continued layoff notices could force consumers to cut spending and tip the economy into recession.

29.   The concern is that rising layoff notices could cause a sharp cutback in spending by worried consumers.

30.   The layoff notices do not come as a surprise.

n. + notice >>共 256
advance 20.07%
eviction 8.11%
death 5.81%
layoff 3.62%
strike 2.41%
termination 2.19%
draft 1.86%
renewal 1.54%
default 1.32%
recall 1.32%
layoff + n. >>共 62
announcement 27.48%
notice 14.86%
plan 8.11%
threat 5.41%
bill 4.05%
worker 2.70%
rate 2.25%
staff 1.35%
number 1.35%
figure 1.35%
每页显示:    共 33