21.   Scheindlin spent another six years as lay leader of Americans for Peace Now, a Middle East peace initiative.

22.   That means churches need to reach out to Hispanics, especially in developing lay leaders and encouraging professional church careers among the youth.

23.   The archdiocese of Seattle has thousands of paid and volunteer lay leaders who perform tasks once done by priests.

24.   The man allegedly confessed to three ministers and two lay leaders, but is now claiming priest-penitent confidentiality.

25.   They are usually led by lay leaders, instead of clergy, who are not afraid to use the mass media to get their message across.

26.   This summer a delegation of American Reform rabbis and lay leaders will travel to Israel to advocate for more liberal Jewish movements.

27.   Traditionally, parish councils attracted so little interest that pastors or lay leaders had to twist arms, ever so gingerly, to fill slots in uncontested elections.

28.   With the white members dwindling to a handful and the black members getting older, the former pastor, the Rev. Avelio De Leon, cultivated new lay leaders.

29.   Yet many lay leaders chafe under Vatican rules that stop them from preaching and performing the sacraments.

30.   Chongwenmen has three ministers and several lay leaders.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
lay 0.05%
lay + n. >>共 237
people 17.83%
leader 4.72%
worker 3.90%
person 3.78%
claim 3.78%
member 3.19%
minister 2.60%
midwife 2.36%
preacher 2.36%
flower 2.24%
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