21.   He declined to answer questions at the news conference, saying lawyers had advised him not to.

22.   He declined to answer questions, saying lawyers had advised him not to.

23.   Her lawyer advised her to accept it.

24.   His lawyer has advised him as much.

25.   His lawyer advised against it.

26.   His wife said that without telling him the contents of the order, his lawyer had advised him to ignore it.

27.   In fact, signing a love contract is voluntary and lawyers advise companies to tell employees they will not be penalized if they refuse to sign.

28.   In many cases, they say, lawyers advise clients to take out an order.

29.   Just as international lawyers advise on constitutions, there presumably are international designers eager to land a national account to come up with a new flag and national logo.

n. + advise >>共 406
doctor 12.57%
expert 7.60%
official 5.61%
lawyer 3.72%
authority 3.25%
government 2.83%
police 2.46%
commission 1.89%
company 1.36%
firm 1.20%
lawyer + v. >>共 494
say 29.39%
be 5.86%
argue 4.28%
have 2.27%
ask 2.05%
tell 1.51%
file 1.30%
try 1.13%
represent 1.13%
contend 1.06%
advise 0.58%
每页显示:    共 71