21.   Corporations and unions are banned by law from giving money to candidates in elections for federal office.

22.   Currently, federal law bans any cancer-causing residues in processed foods if their concentrations are higher than in raw foods.

23.   Current law bans use, but not possession.

24.   Current U.S. law bans the sale of food to Cuba but allows for the sale of medicine and medical equipment by licensed manufacturers.

25.   Existing U.S. laws already ban U.S. companies from importing Iranian oil into the United States.

26.   Federal law has banned banks until now from collecting race and gender information for small-business loans to prevent discrimination.

27.   Federal election law generally bans political contributions from foreigners who are not legal residents of the United States.

28.   Federal law bans cameras in criminal cases in federal courts.

29.   Federal law bans the sale of any food or drink with this strain of listeria.

30.   Federal law bans them in all commercial vehicles.

n. + ban >>共 387
government 18.97%
law 9.04%
authority 8.07%
police 4.32%
bill 3.10%
state 2.52%
sanction 2.48%
court 2.29%
official 2.13%
treaty 1.90%
law + v. >>共 527
be 14.23%
require 10.82%
allow 7.46%
prohibit 4.86%
make 2.67%
give 2.41%
apply 2.12%
bar 2.04%
forbid 2.00%
have 1.84%
ban 1.57%
每页显示:    共 278