21.   Like many of his colleagues, Lansing is known in his hometown for standing on street corners shouting his message and waving large banners with religious messages.

22.   On Monday, the mosque was draped with large black banners.

23.   Rules by the sports governing body forbid Olympic campaigning at the site of the championships, although some supporters in the stands have unfurled large banners supporting the city.

24.   Several large banners declaring bin Laden a hero of Islam adorned the hotel in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad where the religious leaders held heir meeting.

25.   Several large banners declaring bin Laden a hero of Islam adorned the hotel in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad where the religious leaders held their meeting.

26.   Smiling North Korean customs officers boarded the South Korean vessel in Yanghwa harbor from a rusting pilot boat flying a large red banner.

27.   Smiling North Korean customs officers boarded the South Korea vessel in Yanghwa harbor from a rusting pilot boat flying a large red banner.

28.   The group held a large banner and sang quietly outside the cathedral after Mass.

29.   The marchers displayed model doves and large banners condemning NATO involvement in the Balkan crisis.

30.   The marchers, bound for the U.S. Embassy, handed out leaflets, carried large banners and pushed along a huge inflatable globe.

a. + banner >>共 314
red 6.93%
huge 4.83%
large 3.78%
colorful 2.62%
black 2.41%
party 2.31%
white 2.20%
green 2.20%
advertising 1.89%
yellow 1.78%
large + n. >>共 1012
number 8.74%
part 3.71%
amount 3.28%
bowl 2.81%
company 2.19%
quantity 1.68%
area 1.55%
group 1.39%
crowd 1.17%
sum 1.10%
banner 0.07%
每页显示:    共 36