21.   Williams said her knee bothered her throughout the match.

22.   Jordan, who has been a reserve since returning from surgery on his right knee two weeks ago, said his repaired right knee did not bother him.

n. + bother >>共 435
injury 3.76%
people 3.41%
thing 3.29%
back 2.59%
knee 2.59%
tendinitis 2.12%
criticism 1.29%
voter 1.18%
shoulder 1.18%
official 0.94%
knee + v. >>共 191
be 23.59%
buckle 5.87%
feel 4.03%
hurt 2.53%
bother 2.53%
hold_up 2.42%
begin 2.19%
go 1.96%
heal 1.96%
ache 1.73%
每页显示:    共 22