21.   A group of Little League moms were discussing the chores their kids did.

22.   Adults may even enjoy it more than their kids do.

23.   All kids with aspirations do that.

24.   All the kids did.

25.   All the kids did in my classroom in the first grade, or maybe it was the second.

26.   All the kids did it there, and they never did it on anything flat.

27.   But Boomer went belly up before the kid did.

28.   But can kids do justice to their education while working so much?

29.   But he had a lead foot, the way kids that age do.

30.   But it does if teachers treat every student with great respect and justice, and insist all the kids do the same.

n. + do >>共 1367
government 2.91%
company 2.87%
people 2.75%
team 1.85%
man 1.20%
player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
state 0.65%
kid 0.52%
kid + v. >>共 967
be 17.45%
have 6.18%
get 4.02%
go 3.16%
play 2.81%
do 2.50%
want 2.22%
come 2.05%
love 2.03%
need 1.53%
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