21.   The issue has recently surfaced in the restructuring of Adelphia Communications, the cable company struggling to stave off a bankruptcy filing.

22.   The issue might also surface, aides said, during a private meeting Menino is scheduled to have Monday night with Vice President Al Gore and nine other mayors.

23.   The issue surfaced again Monday when Torrence said on Swedish TV that she stood by her suspicions.

24.   The issue surfaced during a bail hearing for Detective William Jang in the bribery case.

25.   The issue could surface in July if the owners decide to open up the collective-bargaining agreement.

26.   The issue has surfaced because more companies are offering same-sex domestic partner benefits, in addition to their pledges against discrimination.

27.   This same issue has surfaced in the electric deregulation debate.

28.   Racial issues rarely surfaced in the campaign.

29.   Congress is holding hearings on the topic and the issue has surfaced in the presidential campaign.

30.   Friction between Hawkins and Columbia bad been brewing for some time, and by the time the banjo issue surfaced, Hawkins was fed up.

n. + surface >>共 450
report 8.18%
allegation 6.13%
name 6.07%
problem 4.91%
evidence 4.57%
rumor 2.73%
issue 2.59%
scandal 1.77%
tension 1.50%
question 1.36%
issue + v. >>共 490
be 48.45%
remain 3.30%
come 2.67%
have 2.30%
become 1.95%
include 1.66%
go 1.42%
arise 1.22%
fall 1.02%
rise 0.82%
surface 0.26%
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