21.   Only a year before, Levitt was endorsing all the NSMIA components even as the states were moaning that NSMIA would ultimately expose the investing public to more fraud.

22.   Schwab and other institutions that deal with the investing public have been scrambling to reassure their customers, bombarding them with soothing advertisements and educational brochures.

23.   Shareholder attorneys claim they protect the investing public from fraud and deception by big corporate interests.

24.   Some of them committed huge frauds against the investing public, stealing hundreds of millions of dollars through stock manipulation and other securities law violations.

25.   The banks then will offer the bonds to the investing public.

26.   The hope is that the firm will add to its roster of talented bankers as it prepares to market itself to the investing public.

27.   The investing public continues to thirst for more mutual funds, so a Seattle-based financial services company plans to add three.

28.   The industry meanwhile, is finagling to keep for itself the same information it wants to conceal from the investing public.

29.   The investing public, for all the complaints of the professionals, remains sanguine about the unheard-of riches being delivered by one of the greatest bull markets in history.

30.   The SEC and Justice investigations are focusing on alleged Nasdaq preference to insiders over the investing public and alleged dealer price-fixing, respectively.

a. + public >>共 685
general 23.72%
american 15.46%
israeli 4.18%
british 1.99%
at_large 1.84%
japanese 1.82%
investing 1.32%
french 1.22%
russian 1.07%
flying 1.04%
investing + n. >>共 178
public 13.38%
style 7.32%
world 4.29%
money 3.79%
strategy 3.54%
environment 2.27%
billion 1.52%
decision 1.52%
time 1.52%
idea 1.26%
每页显示:    共 53