21.   But the fact that the missing data included intelligence information increased the level of concern among law enforcement officials.

22.   But the records show with stunning frequency just how determined businessmen were to continue commerce even if the sharing of risk also meant the sharing of critical intelligence information.

23.   But the prosecution would benefit from more intercepts and intelligence information, investigators say.

24.   But the officials say they cross-reference information provided by Zubaydah with other intelligence information, including documents seized in Afghanistan, to corroborate any tips they receive.

25.   Canadian officials, meanwhile, urged world leaders to share more intelligence information to combat terrorism.

26.   China has supplied intelligence information and diplomatic assistance.

27.   Clinton said he ordered the missile attacks because of intelligence information indicating that more terrorist acts on U.S. embassies and other interests were imminent.

28.   Congress has plenty of experience in placing intelligence information in the public domain in a form that does not compromise spying sources and techniques.

29.   Cruise missiles can be effective, but even more accurate weapons may be needed that can be used in coordination with enhanced intelligence information.

30.   During the war in the Persian Gulf, the Defense Department used the Internet to communicate with allied armies and gather and distribute intelligence information.

n. + information >>共 901
intelligence 6.50%
background 3.26%
health 2.88%
customer 1.97%
consumer 1.77%
travel 1.69%
account 1.57%
contact 1.57%
business 1.54%
government 1.54%
intelligence + n. >>共 394
official 12.35%
agency 11.30%
service 11.20%
officer 8.72%
report 6.70%
agent 6.34%
information 3.40%
chief 3.28%
source 3.24%
community 1.94%
每页显示:    共 256