21.   Several states have sued the federal government over immigration policies and insufficient federal funds to handle the load.

22.   Strahan admits that he has written checks against insufficient funds, but he attributes that to his poverty.

23.   Ten that had been drawn on the checking account that I shut down the day of the theft were returned to me for insufficient funds.

24.   The dispute in the UMB Bank case hinged on whether a check, deposited with insufficient funds to cover it, amounts to a secured debt.

25.   The Gracewood report said insufficient funds had been allocated for clients.

26.   The loss is largely a result of insufficient funds for liabilities stemming from pension and retirement payments.

27.   The project, called the Tocks Island Dam, was eventually scuttled because of local opposition and insufficient funds.

28.   For instance, excessive expenditure on marketing may leave insufficient funds for machinery or equipment upgrades, with the result that output fails to meet demand.

29.   Local authorities are finding it a problem managing the increasing amount of waste, especially with insufficient funds.

30.   Of the five, Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim of the Liberal Party would be the last to succumb from insufficient funds, Gonzales said.

a. + fund >>共 655
federal 8.99%
public 8.09%
stock 6.13%
new 4.02%
foreign 3.51%
state 2.82%
additional 1.95%
international 1.89%
private 1.77%
matching 1.59%
insufficient 0.29%
insufficient + n. >>共 334
evidence 33.44%
fund 3.02%
time 2.32%
information 2.24%
supply 1.55%
attention 1.55%
support 1.16%
ground 1.16%
proof 1.16%
datum 1.08%
每页显示:    共 39