21.   Seton Hall has since begun installing sprinklers in all its dorms, and upgrading existing systems.

22.   Several colleges and universities, including Seton Hall, are already moving ahead with installing sprinklers in every room in time for the fall semester.

23.   Seton Hall has hired a contractor to install sprinklers in its dorms by September.

24.   Seton Hall is installing sprinklers in every room in time for the fall semester.

25.   Seton Hall is also considering installing sprinklers in Boland, Grider has said.

26.   She added that the university would look into installing sprinklers in six-story Boland Hall, where the fire started early Wednesday.

27.   State senators and the Whitman administration had been pushing to get the sprinklers installed in all New Jersey dorms within two years.

28.   The fire would have been put out sooner if sprinklers had been installed on the deck, the agency said.

29.   The law gives schools four years to install sprinklers in every room.

30.   The Omega sprinklers were once installed in buildings across the country including the U.S. Capitol, the Smithsonian Institution museums and the White House, the safety commission said.

v. + sprinkler >>共 36
install 28.21%
have 15.38%
require 10.26%
use 6.84%
run 3.42%
move 2.56%
include 2.56%
replace 2.56%
ceil 1.71%
lack 1.71%
install + n. >>共 997
system 5.45%
software 4.43%
equipment 4.18%
camera 2.90%
device 2.13%
program 2.04%
line 1.65%
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government 1.35%
technology 1.18%
sprinkler 0.77%
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