21.   CBS News reported Wednesday that arms inspectors had photographic evidence of experimentation on human beings with biological weapons.

22.   City building inspectors have to ensure that the sites are fit for destruction, and each demolition is subject to the approval of Gov. Frank Bannon.

23.   Currently, agency inspectors have the authority to inspect only the nuclear plants that a government has declared exist.

24.   Customs inspectors have about as much humor about photographs as they do about bomb threats.

25.   Even if they return, the inspectors will have to restart many of their monitoring efforts from scratch, greatly delaying completion of their work.

26.   For starters, his latest provocation aimed at UN arms control inspectors may have stopped inspections, but at a cost that is going to infuriate the Iraqi dictator.

27.   Gray says inspectors have not had to fire a sidearm in living memory.

28.   He also said inspectors have information that Iraq is either trying to maintain biological weapons it has in stock or is trying to produce more.

29.   He also said his inspectors have information that Iraq is either trying to maintain biological weapons it already has in stock or is trying to produce more.

30.   He said his inspectors have information that Iraq is either trying to maintain its stocks of biological weapons or produce more.

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inspector + v. >>共 490
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