21.   Economic sanctions against Iraq cannot be lifted until U.N. weapons inspectors certify that Iraq is free of weapons of mass destruction.

22.   Economic sanctions cannot be lifted until the arms inspectors certify that Iraq has eliminated its long-range missiles and its chemical, nuclear and biological weapons programs.

23.   For the sanctions to be lifted, U.N. inspectors must certify that Iraq has destroyed its once-substantial stocks of weapons of mass destruction.

24.   For the sanctions to be lifted, U.N. inspectors must certify that Iraq has destroyed its once substantial stocks of weapons of mass destruction.

25.   France has been urging the council to relax sanctions gradually as inspectors certify Iraqi compliance in specific weapons systems.

26.   Instead, Chinese inspectors will certify packing houses before shipments begin, Naasz said Friday.

27.   Inspectors must certify that Iraq has destroyed its long-range missiles, chemical, nuclear and biological weapons and programs to build them before sanctions can be lifted.

28.   Inspectors must certify that Iraq has eliminated its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons as well as long-range missiles before the sanctions can be lifted.

29.   It also suspended further Security Council reviews of economic sanctions against Iraq until the inspectors certify that Baghdad is cooperating with them.

30.   It also would ban foreign travel by Iraqi soldiers, police and intelligence officers until U.N. inspectors certify that Baghdad is again cooperating with them.

n. + certify >>共 102
inspector 42.47%
president 5.15%
doctor 4.74%
administration 4.33%
expert 2.47%
monitor 2.47%
judge 2.27%
official 2.06%
state 1.65%
county 1.44%
inspector + v. >>共 490
say 8.96%
be 8.73%
certify 5.73%
find 5.45%
have 3.56%
return 3.28%
visit 2.42%
leave 2.14%
accuse 1.42%
verify 1.39%
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