21.   Ridge is scheduled to inspect the site of the Olympics next week and will discuss tightened security arrangements for the Games.

22.   Rosmarin said his company had not inspected the site for pollutants prior to the purchase.

23.   Secret Service agents typically inspect the sites of presidential visits weeks in advance, often using a video camera to record every place and path on the presidential journey.

24.   That backlog was compounded by bureaucratic delays in inspecting sites, approving blueprints and granting building permits.

25.   The Clinton administration plans to resume negotiating with North Korea over inspecting the site in December.

26.   The federal and state assessment teams are inspecting sites in Johnson, Wyandotte, Leavenworth and Douglas counties in Kansas.

27.   The decision by Western troops to inspect the site, as permitted by the Dayton peace accord, led to a tense test of wills with the Bosnian Serbs.

28.   The judges, Herve Stephan and Marie-Christine Devidal, have made no public statements about their investigation and said nothing after inspecting the site on Tuesday.

29.   The proposal, now before the City Council, would allow developers to hire engineers to inspect building sites and qualify them for certificates of occupancy.

30.   The Special Commission, armed with the most advanced equipment, has the authority to inspect Iraqi sites, destroy weapons and confiscate documents.

v. + site >>共 917
visit 11.38%
use 2.88%
find 2.32%
inspect 2.10%
reach 2.09%
tour 1.72%
have 1.64%
develop 1.22%
choose 1.16%
identify 1.13%
inspect + n. >>共 709
site 6.20%
damage 4.27%
facility 2.17%
area 1.97%
troop 1.81%
building 1.65%
car 1.61%
plane 1.61%
ship 1.49%
vehicle 1.37%
每页显示:    共 153