21.   Abdullah also increased his popularity at home by taking the unprecedented step of allowing pictures of himself wearing tennis shoes and colorful sports shirts.

22.   But he also directed money into pension and insurance funds for ordinary Montenegrins, thus increasing his popularity.

23.   But his confinement during the Israeli offensive greatly increased his popularity among Arabs worldwide, who saw him in widely televised images as the symbol of an embattled people.

24.   Candidates like Monreal offered the PRD a chance to increase its popularity, especially in areas where it has been traditionally weak, such as the north.

25.   Increasing popularity notwithstanding, how secure is the guarantee mechanism in the event of a default?

26.   On Tuesday, Ciorbea appointed or shifted nine ministers in his Cabinet, in an attempt to increase popularity dented by confused economic policies and painful reforms.

27.   Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda dismissed the march as an attempt by trade union officials to increase their popularity.

28.   Skyrocketing prices of vegetables and other food became the single biggest issue, eclipsing the nuclear tests in May that had briefly increased the popularity of the BJP.

29.   The game, which was preceded by performances by dancing troupes from the various countries represented, marked an effort by the European league to increase its popularity.

30.   While seeing tremendous opportunies in the high-growth industry, he recognised that a different approach was needed to increase the popularity of home video movie stores.

v. + popularity >>共 234
gain 25.62%
enjoy 10.76%
lose 4.34%
boost 4.02%
increase 2.73%
regain 2.01%
win 1.69%
maintain 1.61%
erode 1.45%
retain 1.37%
increase + n. >>共 661
number 5.30%
risk 3.45%
pressure 3.43%
cost 2.23%
production 2.20%
chance 2.07%
security 1.77%
demand 1.67%
sale 1.66%
price 1.64%
popularity 0.15%
每页显示:    共 34