21.   The progression of myopia has also been shown to be slower in children whose protein consumption is increased.

22.   Too often, convenience increases consumption more than production.

23.   But affluence and copying mainstream Western ways have increased meat consumption in Asia, especially among the young.

24.   Delegates at the First World Pasta Congress discuss a strategy to increase consumption worldwide.

25.   Economic recovery would increase oil consumption.

26.   FEATURE-ITALY-PASTA PEACE, delegates at the First World Pasta Congress discuss a strategy to increase consumption worldwide.

27.   If your skin is chapped or cracked, increase your consumption of water and essential fatty acids.

28.   Khai hinted at further restrictions on imports of goods that are produced locally in order to increase consumption in the domestic market.

29.   Longdon warned, however, that the situation could change if more industrial users increased their consumption.

30.   Tea producing and consuming countries need to tackle the difficulties facing the tea industry to increase consumption and stabilize the market, Kenyan Vice president George Saitoti said Wednesday.

v. + consumption >>共 193
reduce 15.33%
boost 5.65%
cut 5.15%
increase 5.03%
limit 4.65%
encourage 2.26%
curb 2.26%
spur 2.14%
stimulate 2.01%
discourage 1.88%
increase + n. >>共 661
number 5.30%
risk 3.45%
pressure 3.43%
cost 2.23%
production 2.20%
chance 2.07%
security 1.77%
demand 1.67%
sale 1.66%
price 1.64%
consumption 0.18%
每页显示:    共 40