21.   The ceremony on CBS, with master of ceremonies Ellen DeGeneres, was to include tributes to heroes and victims of the attacks on New York and Washington.

22.   The event included a tribute to singer John Denver, who played many times in the tournament and died in a plane crash near Monterey late last year.

23.   The ceremony included tributes to survivors of violence in Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda.

24.   The ceremony will take place between evening matches and is expected to include a tribute to former champions, including John McEnroe and Billy Jean King.

25.   This year Red Square was awash in wartime flags and giant, Soviet-style portraits, including tributes to the Allies.

26.   This year, Red Square was awash in wartime flags and giant, Soviet-style portraits, including tributes to the allies.

27.   The Mitterrand conference opened Thursday and included tributes by his contemporaries including former European Commission president Jacques Delors and ex-UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

v. + tribute >>共 134
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