21.   SCI-INFERTILITY As more couples turn to infertility clinics, they face difficult choices on how many embryos to implant at one time.

22.   Tests to detect many potential problems will be performed before birth, or even as part of in vitro fertilization before an embryo is implanted in the womb.

23.   The embryo was implanted into the womb of a cow serving as a surrogate mother.

24.   The day the embryos were implanted, the couple glowed despite the chill in the New York air, hoping the procedure would make them parents.

25.   The University of California is currently embroiled in a scandal in which a doctor is accused of implanting stolen embryos in infertile patients.

26.   Then, the embryo is implanted in the uterus, just as it is in standard in-vitro fertilization.

27.   Then the embryo must be implanted in the womb of a surrogate mother, which will give birth five months later.

28.   These well-bred embryos are implanted into surrogate cows.

29.   This is in contrast to reproductive cloning, where an embryo is implanted into a womb in order to conceive a child.

30.   Transfer requires flushing fertilized embryos from prized donor cows and implanting the embryos in surrogate host cows for gestation and birth.

v. + embryo >>共 120
destroy 19.43%
create 13.76%
use 7.23%
implant 6.67%
clone 4.40%
involve 3.40%
freeze 2.84%
kill 2.70%
donate 2.55%
transfer 2.41%
implant + n. >>共 114
embryo 13.82%
pacemaker 12.35%
device 8.53%
defibrillator 3.82%
egg 3.24%
microchip 2.94%
electrode 2.65%
heart 2.35%
chip 2.35%
pump 2.35%
每页显示:    共 47