21.   Ganci said the commonsense approach for the firefighters would have been to ignore the rule, get in the truck and go.

22.   Good legislators generally make bad presidential candidates, and politicians who try to ignore this rule have a way of winding up unemployed.

23.   He has ignored the rule that a worldwide pop idol like Veloso should make records with slick-fingered studio professionals rather than idiosyncratic improvising musicians.

24.   Hideaki Miyata, an environmental scientist at Setsunan University in Osaka, fears that many companies will simply ignore rules that have no real teeth.

25.   I ignored this rule when planting my first asparagus bed, and I pay for it annually.

26.   I spotted one pair of sneakers and two pairs of jeans, and the jacket rule was ignored by more than a few.

27.   If Clinton ignored that rule of half-plus-seven, he also overlooked the American class system.

28.   Ignoring the rules can also be a power play.

29.   In practice, though, the rules are often ignored and illegal harvesting tolerated.

30.   In such remote regions, there is scant government presence, and environmental rules are often ignored.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
ignore 0.88%
ignore + n. >>共 1593
warning 4.98%
order 3.33%
call 2.32%
advice 2.11%
fact 1.97%
request 1.89%
plea 1.88%
question 1.78%
demand 1.66%
appeal 1.55%
rule 1.30%
每页显示:    共 97