21.   The financial advantage is even greater for workers with little formal education and training and for women, blacks and Hispanic workers.

22.   The group helps Hispanic workers.

23.   The income disparity for Hispanic workers has hardly improved even during the past eight years of economic prosperity, according to the study.

24.   The plant was a magnet for Hispanic workers from Texas and Mexico, residents said.

25.   The union and some contractors agree that Hispanic workers can be easily exploited.

26.   The union has also come to the conclusion that Hispanic workers are here to stay.

27.   Their latest release includes the title track, with Spanish lyrics that speak to the experience of many Hispanic workers in metro Atlanta and elsewhere.

28.   Two other Hispanic workers were injured.

29.   Until about five years ago, joblessness among Hispanic workers typically averaged about one and a half times the rate for whites.

30.   Watson said Hispanic workers have a reputation for a strong work ethic and a reluctance to complain about long hours, low pay and poor conditions.

a. + worker >>共 830
foreign 4.63%
postal 3.69%
emergency 2.72%
migrant 2.36%
american 2.36%
state 2.23%
skilled 2.00%
striking 1.81%
palestinian 1.71%
illegal 1.70%
hispanic 0.18%
hispanic + n. >>共 486
voter 8.67%
community 5.84%
population 5.42%
woman 3.60%
vote 3.53%
leader 3.32%
group 2.80%
student 2.52%
immigrant 2.48%
people 2.27%
worker 1.19%
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