21.   The engineers discovered that hanging chads often separated from ballots as they are pulled out of the Votomatic and the Data Punch systems.

22.   The Florida Supreme Court cited the decision by the Illinois Supreme Court to provide some guidance on how to deal with the now-famous hanging chads.

23.   The justices have to determine if one piece of hanging chad on one ballot cast in Miami-Dade County has any special significance.

24.   The measure would end the era of the punchcards and hanging chad in Florida.

25.   The number of dimpled ballots for Bush would be matched up to dimpled ballots for Gore, the hanging chads for one versus the hanging chads for the other.

26.   The writer addressed hanging chads - ballots punched with the chad still clinging on - and indentations, now popularly known as pregnant chads.

27.   There appeared to be many different standards being established across the state -- a hanging chad, a dimpled chad, a clean punch?

28.   Unlike a voting machine, the human eye can read some ballots with minor mistakes, like slightly misplaced marks or the now infamous hanging chads.

29.   When counted by machine, the ballots with hanging chads might have been registered as non-votes.

30.   When voters try to punch their ballots but fail to completely do so, they often leave hanging chads that fall off the ballot during recounts.

a. + chad >>共 42
hanging 28.57%
dimpled 25.40%
pregnant 7.14%
detached 2.38%
stray 2.38%
dangling 1.59%
errant 1.59%
loose 1.59%
punched 1.59%
so-called 1.59%
hanging + n. >>共 178
chad 9.28%
basket 7.22%
slider 5.15%
curveball 4.64%
lamp 2.58%
curve 2.58%
plant 2.32%
scroll 2.32%
garden 1.80%
ball 1.80%
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