21.   But Bradley and Gore were not members of the key committees that handled civil rights issues, Kerry said, and were not major participants as a result.

22.   But once again, the major agencies responsible for border security said they were handling the issue on their own.

23.   But Murphy said there has been little appetite for changing that law in a legislature in which committees that handle legal issues are dominated by criminal defense attorneys.

24.   But the documents disclosed Wednesday give a partial picture of the unusual way in which the issue was handled.

25.   But the PGA policy wonks better start thinking how they are going to handle this issue if the ruling stands.

26.   But that issue should be handled in a separate bill, said Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va.

27.   But the officials concede that they have not always handled sensitive issues with sufficient care.

28.   But the Rockets believe such issues will be handled if the groups meet next week.

29.   But the same poll also showed that voters believe Wilson, not Brown, is best equipped to handle those issues.

30.   By common consent, the Republican made at least a start at the Philadelphia convention towards establishing himself as a serious political figure, capable of handling large issues.

v. + issue >>共 583
discuss 13.43%
raise 10.53%
address 7.69%
take 4.48%
resolve 4.12%
settle 2.67%
study 2.02%
debate 1.95%
tackle 1.59%
decide 1.57%
handle 1.21%
handle + n. >>共 948
case 6.98%
situation 2.99%
matter 2.21%
issue 1.95%
ball 1.50%
problem 1.46%
account 1.28%
sale 1.24%
pressure 1.20%
crisis 1.08%
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