21.   But Clinton maintained the times have changed for the gun lobby.

22.   But Hyde denied that the changes represented a capitulation to the powerful gun lobby, which has waged a grass-roots campaign to kill the legislation.

23.   But first the bill must clear the Republican-controlled state Senate, where the gun lobby often prevails over common sense.

24.   But if this was meant to distance Dole from the gun lobby, the gun lobby did not get the message.

25.   But it appeals to some activists within the NRA who want no part of even the compromise legislation that the gun lobby has supported on Capitol Hill.

26.   But pressure is mounting from the gun lobby and various members to amend the new crime bill so that the repeal would be included.

27.   But neither these mistakes nor the rantings of the gun lobby should obscure two important truths.

28.   But the gun lobby and its supporters in the Senate continued a last-ditch effort to weaken or eliminate the ban.

29.   But the gun lobby, she says, has lost touch with people like her.

30.   But some of those proposals were defeated in the House last month after an intense campaign by the gun lobby.

n. + lobby >>共 216
hotel 26.88%
gun 17.20%
business 5.67%
tobacco 3.42%
farm 2.54%
industry 1.76%
bank 1.66%
theater 1.37%
small-business 1.08%
entrance 1.08%
gun + n. >>共 443
battle 17.15%
show 6.80%
owner 5.15%
law 4.70%
violence 3.74%
ownership 2.91%
lobby 2.85%
maker 2.57%
manufacturer 2.56%
dealer 2.38%
每页显示:    共 175