21.   Gum disease and wear on teeth are greater problems than decay.

22.   Gum disease has also been linked to bacterial pneumonia.

23.   Gum disease, or periodontitis, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults, and the primary cause in older people.

24.   His list includes bursitis, gum disease, lower throat spasms, palsy of the hands, prostate woes, and an allergy to cigarette smoke.

25.   Home diagnosis of gum disease is relatively easy.

26.   However, Pats fever, like gum disease, has a certain powerful inevitability to it and, well, sometimes a person does better just to deal.

27.   Lunch, snacks and sugary beverages on the job can increase the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease as well as bad breath.

28.   No crowd, no shopping carts, no gum disease here.

29.   On the surface, one would hardly connect gum disease with preterm labor.

30.   Pregnant women are known to suffer unusually high levels of gum disease.

n. + disease >>共 286
cow 35.89%
lung 6.05%
kidney 5.57%
bowel 4.58%
brain 4.55%
skin 3.39%
ulcer 2.21%
blood 2.11%
gum 2.08%
eye 1.86%
gum + n. >>共 50
disease 33.68%
tree 8.81%
wrapper 6.74%
surgery 5.18%
paste 4.66%
ball 4.15%
tissue 3.63%
infection 2.59%
line 2.59%
machine 2.07%
每页显示:    共 65