21.   Sophon Supapong, president of Bangchak Petroleum, added that if the government does not rush into rural communities to create business, there will be social unrest.

22.   Terrified residents leapt from trembling homes and the government rushed rescue teams to the remote areas.

23.   Tamil rebels claimed Tuesday that the government has rushed thousands of troops to the east of Jaffna Peninsula to launch a major assault on their stronghold.

24.   The government is rushing plans for temporary housing and rent subsidies to move as many people as possible out of the cold, cramped and fetid shelters.

25.   The government must rush to create jobs or risk unprecedented social unrest if unemployed workers can find no means of survival after spending their termination payouts.

26.   The German government rushed to recognize the independence of Croatia and Bosnia, which in hindsight is often seen as a cause of the Yugoslav war.

27.   The local governments were rushing.

28.   The government rushed a bill through the senate late Thursday night that recognizes patents and copyrights on products researched and sold abroad.

29.   The government rushed to assure investors the law would be passed.

30.   The government has rushed soldiers and doctors for relief and rescue work, but help was slow to reach victims in remote areas off the main roads.

n. + rush >>共 681
people 5.09%
ambulance 4.39%
company 3.22%
police 3.05%
official 2.21%
worker 2.04%
investor 2.01%
man 1.64%
water 1.61%
resident 1.41%
government 1.34%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
rush 0.04%
每页显示:    共 40