21.   At the same time, the medical association said it was dismayed that the government had not proposed spending any more money on the health service.

22.   ----- Meanwhile, the British government is proposing to double the airport tax levied on departing international passengers later next year.

23.   Aides have suggested that the government might propose to swap land elsewhere, but they have declined to provide details.

24.   Alarmed by rising crime and the public pressure to arrest it, the government has proposed a series of get-tough laws.

25.   But even Maslyukov acknowledged that the combination of state intervention, subsidies and printing of money that the current government had proposed did not constitute a strategy.

26.   But they ask how the new rules will be interpreted when future issues arise, and a government proposes measures disliked by a trading partner.

27.   Despite some opposition from the Mexican Legislature, the government is already proposing to bundle home mortgages and sell them as investment securities.

28.   Even though enthusiasm for the idea is fading, the government has proposed a capital gains tax or other levy on the currently tax-free stock market.

29.   Following a court order, the government will propose allowing four long-distance providers to compete against each other in the long distance market for seven years.

30.   For example, the government on Saturday proposed placing all transmission lines into a new company, eventually to be controlled fully by the government.

n. + propose >>共 547
government 11.02%
administration 6.45%
official 3.79%
president 3.60%
commission 2.63%
company 2.44%
group 2.10%
plan 1.97%
governor 1.94%
lawmaker 1.85%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
propose 0.35%
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