21.   Gore had called Bush that night to concede, only to discover that the vote gap had narrowed so dramatically that he called back and retracted the concession.

22.   Gore also called for background checks of people who purchase weapons at gun shows.

23.   Gore also called for stronger measures to protect medical records and personal financial information.

24.   Gore also called on Congress to pass a law requiring child safety locks on guns and requiring background checks for people who buy firearms at gun shows.

25.   Gore also called on Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat to end the violence that claimed the lives of three Israeli soldiers Thursday.

26.   Gore also has called for debates with Bradley using loftier language than he is known for.

27.   Gore called Moseley shortly after the rescue and then met him during a trip to Atlanta.

28.   Gore called on the entertainment industry Monday to stop marketing violent and adult material to children and threatened tougher government restrictions if it did not.

29.   Gore calls the president for updates, even while on the road campaigning for the nomination.

30.   Gore has also called for ending soft money, providing candidates with free air time and for public financing of House and Senate campaigns.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
gore 0.21%
gore + v. >>共 676
say 11.25%
be 10.12%
have 3.84%
make 2.44%
win 1.63%
want 1.31%
ask 1.31%
plan 1.27%
call 1.13%
spend 1.11%
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