21.   But once ensconced in the Elysee Palace, the winners have all let the matter gather dust.

22.   But then came the stories about Red Cross foul-ups and United Way donations gathering dust.

23.   By contrast, Idaho and Wyoming have let their millions gather dust as their safety nets for the poor contract.

24.   Each project will include follow-up consultations so the insights that Bridge Group consultants develop do not gather dust on a shelf but are adopted and refined through practical experience.

25.   Far too many of those machines now serve as pricey decorations atop countertops, take up space in cupboards, or gather dust in basement closets.

26.   Golf clubs will gather dust in closets.

27.   He also showed the staff at the hospital in Accra how to use a defibrillator that was gathering dust because no one could translate its German instructions.

28.   He set the Pathfinder down to gather dust, along with his Lego ships and forts.

29.   His old Riddell helmet gathers dust in the bedroom.

30.   I took the Bible off my shelf and put it by my bed, and there it sat for several years gathering dust and making me feel guilty.

v. + dust >>共 176
gather 15.70%
collect 7.44%
kick_up 5.66%
remove 3.88%
blow 3.24%
inhale 2.75%
have 1.94%
keep 1.62%
carry 1.46%
raise 1.46%
gather + n. >>共 706
information 15.45%
evidence 8.84%
datum 4.80%
momentum 3.01%
steam 2.88%
intelligence 2.61%
signature 2.46%
support 2.46%
dust 2.41%
strength 2.39%
每页显示:    共 97