21.   The international community on Monday pledged almost four billion dollars to help the fragile interim government restore peace to Afghanistan, amid reports of fresh factional fighting.

a. + government >>共 549
federal 8.18%
new 5.93%
local 3.51%
bosnian 3.49%
japanese 2.41%
state 2.17%
israeli 2.00%
british 1.96%
chinese 1.85%
russian 1.85%
fragile 0.02%
fragile + n. >>共 551
peace 12.01%
coalition 5.10%
economy 4.13%
cease-fire 3.50%
truce 2.58%
state 2.14%
ecosystem 2.09%
ceasefire 1.99%
environment 1.65%
health 1.51%
government 1.02%
每页显示:    共 21