21.   The government is investigating reports that some infants there are sold or stolen for foreign adoption.

22.   The INS action came after investigators heard reports that some Cambodian infants are sold or stolen for foreign adoption.

23.   The most pernicious, in American eyes, is a proposal to halt foreign adoption until Russia and the United States sign a bilateral treaty on adoption.

24.   The painful controversy over foreign adoption has been echoed throughout the former Soviet Union, where foreign adoptions soared soon after Communism collapsed.

25.   The proposal would abolish the requirement that only impaired children be available for foreign adoption.

26.   The U.S. government is investigating reports that some infants there are sold or stolen for foreign adoption.

27.   The waiting period requires the government to spend up to nine months attempting to place with Russian families all orphaned children before making them available for foreign adoption.

28.   They chose foreign adoption because it would be quicker than a domestic adoption, and they had a better chance of getting an infant.

29.   They turned to a foreign adoption service on the recommendation of man who, while measuring their home for drapes, mentioned that he had adopted a Salvadoran child.

30.   Unlike Russia and Romania, which introduced legislation to curb and control foreign adoption, Georgia has left the process uncharted and poorly regulated.

a. + adoption >>共 187
foreign 14.68%
international 11.44%
illegal 4.79%
widespread 3.55%
gay 2.63%
private 2.63%
formal 2.47%
interracial 2.47%
homosexual 1.70%
final 1.70%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
adoption 0.17%
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