21.   Davis pleaded innocent to six counts of rape, one of attempted rape, one of forcible sodomy, several counts of cruelty toward a subordinate and indecent assault.

22.   He pleaded guilty to charges of murder, forcible sodomy and three counts of indecent acts with a child, she said.

23.   He pleaded innocent to six counts of rape, one of attempted rape, one of forcible sodomy, several counts of cruelty toward a subordinate and indecent assault.

24.   If convicted of forcible sodomy and assault, he could get up to life in prison.

25.   Mime said Owens could be charged with rape, forcible sodomy, adultery, communication of a threat and obstruction of justice.

26.   Memi said Owens could be charged with rape, forcible sodomy, adultery, communication of a threat and obstruction of justice.

27.   Ronghi pleaded guilty to premeditated murder and forcible sodomy of Merita Shabiu in January, while his unit was on a six-month peacekeeping duty in Kosovo.

28.   Ronghi pleaded guilty to charges of murder, forcible sodomy and three counts of indecent acts with a child.

29.   U.S. military investigators are looking into allegations of rape, forcible sodomy and maltreatment of subordinates, the paper said.

30.   Two similar counts and a charge of forcible sodomy, a first-degree felony, were dismissed as part of a plea agreement.

a. + sodomy >>共 22
forcible 36.90%
aggravated 16.67%
first-degree 8.33%
attempted 7.14%
alleged 5.95%
forced 3.57%
additional 2.38%
state 2.38%
consensual 1.19%
criminal 1.19%
forcible + n. >>共 59
sodomy 19.02%
repatriation 11.66%
rape 6.75%
confinement 6.13%
return 5.52%
expulsion 4.29%
removal 3.68%
conversion 3.07%
conscription 2.45%
entry 1.84%
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