21.   Serbian security forces under the control of Milosevic have defied the pact with NATO by increasing their presence in Kosovo above agreed levels, Western officials said.

22.   Surrounded and under attack by blood enemies, including the armies of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, the Israeli forces under the command of Gens.

23.   That has become less likely since the announcement last weekend of the creation of a multinational rapid deployment force under U.N. command to help protect the peacekeepers.

24.   The Clinton administration has made clear that it would be happy for Russian soldiers to participate in the peacekeeping force under the same arrangements that prevail in Bosnia.

25.   The House on Thursday passed legislation to limit the deployment of U.S. forces under the command of the United Nations.

26.   The new pact calls for a NATO and Russian force under United Nations auspices to deploy only in and near Kosovo.

27.   The president said that instead of having as many as eight uncoordinated security forces, the Palestinians should have a force under one command structure.

28.   The Security Council has been wary of using its powers to employ military force under the U.N. Charter.

29.   Then last summer they combined forces under the Wine.com name but quickly ran out of cash.

30.   When that moment arrives in Rwanda, and it could come soon, a predominantly African force under U.N. command seems the wisest approach.

n. + under >>共 1783
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force + p. >>共 77
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of 16.07%
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