21.   The Commission controls Maori commercial fishing assets and manages Maori tribal fishing quotas.

22.   The defeat on fishing quotas was partly due to a resurgence of anti-European right-wing rebels.

23.   The European Union disputes fishing quotas assigned to it by the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization, and Spanish and Portuguese boats continue to trawl the fishing grounds.

24.   The European Union denounced Canada for trying to board a Spanish fishing boat off Newfoundland Thursday in an escalating dispute over fishing quotas.

25.   This year, the main sticking points have been fishing quotas for coho and Fraser River sockeye.

26.   He also relied on Unionist votes to narrowly ratify a European accord last week on fishing quotas.

27.   His principal demands were that compromises be found on fishing quotas, on agricultural policy and on possible membership of the European Union.

28.   It centers on fishing quotas for dwindling stocks of turbot, or Greenland halibut, in the North Atlantic off Newfoundland.

29.   Body sides with Conservative MPs who, in December, voted against the government adopting European fishing quotas.

30.   Canadian Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin denied the two sides were entering negotiations to hike fishing quotas significantly for European ships.

v. + quota >>共 234
set 8.16%
meet 6.82%
impose 5.79%
fish 3.93%
have 2.79%
increase 2.69%
fill 2.17%
oppose 2.17%
raise 2.07%
use 1.96%
fish + n. >>共 378
boat 15.36%
right 9.61%
ground 4.88%
vessel 3.15%
net 3.15%
trip 2.49%
line 2.19%
quota 1.93%
dispute 1.73%
village 1.73%
每页显示:    共 38