21.   The determination means that the commission may file suit against Morgan Stanley if the firm does not settle the matter.

22.   The firms settled the government case without paying any fines or admitting wrongdoing.

23.   The finding means that the commission may file suit against Morgan Stanley if the firm does not settle the matter.

24.   The three firms settled without admitting guilt.

25.   Three small firms settled earlier.

26.   Merrill Lynch is no longer under investigation because the firm settled its case, the source said.

27.   McElhaney said the firm settled the cases to avoid lengthy litigation.

28.   Under the new bankruptcy legislation, state firms must settle debts they have incurred, even if it means digging into their assets and capital to do so.

n. + settle >>共 805
dust 7.01%
company 5.44%
family 2.86%
side 2.62%
future 1.85%
government 1.53%
party 1.33%
agreement 1.17%
firm 1.13%
people 1.05%
firm + v. >>共 662
be 10.84%
have 6.10%
say 5.04%
make 1.78%
do 1.21%
use 1.15%
take 1.11%
sell 1.08%
plan 1.00%
offer 0.98%
settle 0.26%
每页显示:    共 28