21.   His fingers lightly touched the walls of the chamber just outside the Soyuz when he felt the shudder and heard the thud.

22.   Then in a continuous movement, bend at the waist until your fingers touch the floor.

n. + touch >>共 859
foot 2.43%
hand 2.22%
talk 2.06%
issue 1.32%
ball 1.27%
people 1.22%
finger 1.16%
decision 0.95%
case 0.95%
death 0.85%
finger + v. >>共 246
be 17.93%
point 6.10%
touch 2.68%
do 2.44%
move 1.83%
fly 1.83%
go 1.46%
begin 1.34%
cut_off 1.34%
make 1.34%
每页显示:    共 22