21.   As always, the Chuckster had the final say.

22.   As the team president with final say on personnel matters, Pitino insists he is not going anywhere until at least after next season.

23.   At heart, it is about whether judges or prosecutors should have the final say about which defendants are offered addiction treatment rather than jail.

24.   At present, Belichick is the head coach, and he will have the final say on personnel matters.

25.   Bavasi will have the final say on whom he hires, but that will be in consultation with Evans and Dave Wallace, senior vice president of baseball operations.

26.   Besides, the Bibb County School District, not her, had final say over booster projects.

27.   Boeing wants the final say.

28.   Bob Kraft, the owner, decided to give Belichick final say on all personnel matters.

29.   Although Dowd has the final say on personnel decisions, he consults Upshaw before making any decision.

30.   A better solution would give some independent body the authority to order investigations and studies by the Pentagon and the final say in interpreting their results.

a. + say >>共 246
final 39.51%
greater 8.41%
bigger 3.12%
equal 1.99%
ultimate 1.99%
direct 1.56%
big 1.56%
major 1.39%
poor 1.39%
last 1.21%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
say 0.95%
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