21.   After all sides have a chance to file briefs, the high court will review the question and probably decide sometime next year whether to consider the appeal.

22.   After the testimony ends, the lawyers for the university and the critics will file final briefs and the panel will make a recommendation to the regents.

23.   After Peru filed a brief requesting it be thrown out, it was transferred to a federal court because the interest of a foreign government was involved.

24.   After the Microsoft brief was filed, The New Yorker magazine quoted Jackson as comparing Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to Napoleon and saying Microsoft executives behave like spoiled brats.

25.   AIRLINES, INC. V. LOCKWOOD, LAWRENCE The motion of American Intellectual Property Law Association for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted.

26.   Briefs were filed by coal mine operators, electrical and general contractors, the American Trucking Associations and movie and television producers.

27.   Briefs should be filed in November and December and the case should be heard in January.

28.   But the court, on its last day before the summer recess, agreed to hear the case and asked the Justice Department to file a brief.

29.   California itself was not a party to the case, but the California attorney general, Bill Lockyer, filed a brief on behalf of the Oakland cooperative.

30.   CHALLENGES UNWED SEX BAN The American Civil Liberties Union Foundation has filed a brief with the State Supreme Court challenging a state law that prohibits sex between unmarried couples.

v. + brief >>共 74
file 57.46%
submit 8.21%
write 3.73%
prepare 1.74%
sign 1.24%
study 1.24%
draft 1.00%
hold 1.00%
have 1.00%
read 1.00%
file + n. >>共 230
charge 16.32%
lawsuit 15.33%
suit 14.70%
complaint 9.95%
appeal 4.08%
motion 3.15%
report 2.99%
claim 2.73%
petition 2.16%
paper 1.88%
brief 1.48%
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