21.   Without revenues from advertising, the television stations would be forced to rely entirely on federal coffers.

22.   Without revenues from advertising, TV stations would be forced to rely entirely on federal coffers.

a. + coffer >>共 69
state 31.43%
public 11.11%
federal 6.98%
national 6.03%
party 5.40%
democratic 3.81%
corporate 3.17%
empty 2.86%
depleted 1.59%
family 1.59%
federal + n. >>共 476
government 12.23%
court 6.49%
law 5.88%
judge 4.00%
official 3.74%
agency 3.06%
prosecutor 3.01%
budget 2.47%
agent 2.16%
authority 2.12%
coffer 0.03%
每页显示:    共 22