21.   I even think she bought him a fancy car.

22.   Imagine Buckhead on a warm midsummer night, streets clogged with fancy cars and sidewalks teeming with yuppies looking for a good time.

23.   Indeed, a common way to bribe senior officials in China is to lend them a fancy car, already licensed and registered.

24.   It can be humbling for a teen-ager, outfitted in a franchise uniform, to wait on peers who drive up in fancy cars and give orders.

25.   Kent Hance, the Democratic candidate and a smooth-talking good old boy, was telling a yarn about a fancy car coming down a rural road.

26.   Looking for a grand new home or a fancy car?

27.   McGee dazzled his victims with fancy cars, smooth talking and pockets full of money.

28.   Marko, their son, became notorious in Serbia for crashing one fancy car after another.

29.   No movie stars, no fancy cars.

30.   Often, it is men in fancy cars, three-piece suits and shiny, Italian-made shoes.

a. + car >>共 1008
new 7.34%
stolen 2.85%
parked 2.54%
armored 2.51%
used 2.48%
passing 2.18%
electric 2.02%
small 2.02%
japanese 1.88%
private 1.70%
fancy 0.41%
fancy + n. >>共 669
restaurant 5.81%
car 5.07%
footwork 3.11%
hotel 2.43%
food 1.49%
clothes 1.49%
stuff 1.28%
dinner 1.22%
meal 1.22%
name 1.22%
每页显示:    共 75